Teaching about Women and Mathematics:
Materials and Resources for an Interdisciplinary Course

Dr. Jacqueline Dewar, Dr. Lily Khadjavi, Dr. Alissa Crans, and Dr. Anna Bargagliotti

Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA

This website provides access to a manual with information and materials for teaching a college-level course on women and mathematics that addresses both the lives and work of women mathematicians past and current, and examines gender-related concerns about women's participation in mathematics from kindergarten through graduate school and in math-related careers.

The purpose of this website is two-fold:

We wish to acknowledge the importance of the Tensor-MAA funding in supporting our team teaching and our efforts to gain recognition for the value of teaching a course like this, and for encouraging us to make these materials available to a broader audience through this manual. We are particularly grateful to Dr. Florence Fasanelli, former director of the Tensor-MAA Women and Mathematics program, for her support and encouragement throughout the first two rounds of funding, and to Caren Diefenderfer, director, during the third round.

This website provides access to:

For additional information, contact jdewar "at" lmu "dot" edu.