At Macchu Pichu MAA Math Study Tour Summer 2008 |
Loyola Marymount University
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Jacqueline Dewar is Professor Emerita of Mathematics, having retired in 2013 after 40 years at Loyola Marymount University (LMU). During that time, she served twice as mathematics department chair (1983-1986 and 2005-2006) and directed the Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics Program (1997-2005). She advised three master's students theses/projects. From 2006 to 2011, she directed faculty development initiatives at LMU. Post-retirement she continues to serve on the MAA Board of Governors (until 2015), edit the Education Column for the Association for Women in Mathematics Newsletter, and pursue a number of scholarly projects related to faculty development, scholarship of teaching and learning, K-12 math/science teacher preparation, gender equity in mathematics education, and the history of women in mathematics.
Dr. Dewar received her undergraduate degree in Mathematics from St. Louis University and her doctorate in Mathematics from the University of Southern California.
Recently her work has focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) both in mathematics and more broadly in higher education. From 2006-2009 she led LMU's team supporting the university's work as the coordinating institution of the 2006-9 Carnegie Affiliates to the Institutional Leadership Program. She coordinated the final public dissemination of the work and insights of the 17 Carnegie Affiliate institutions on the attraction and value of SoTL in the July 2010 issue of the Transformative Dialogues journal.
Over the years she has been significantly involved with teacher preparation. From 1995-2001, she worked with a team of faculty from ten institutions of higher education in the greater Los Angeles area to form the Los Angeles Collaborative for Teacher Excellence (LACTE), a 5-year, $5,500,000 NSF-funded initiative with the goal of improving K-12 teacher preparation programs in science and mathematics. During 1999-2001, she served on the advisory board for the High School Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint project funded by the Stuart Foundation. She also has considerable experience in programs that target underrepresented female students in math and science, including three rounds of funding from the MAA-Tensor Women and Mathematics program for the project "Women and Mathematics for Future Teachers."
In 2003, she was selected as one of 26 scholars for the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning based on her proposal to study how mathematics contributes to a liberal education. In 2004 she was team leader on a SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities) grant to develop a quantitative literacy course that engages students in campus or local community issues through group projects. In 2006, the course was designated by SENCER as an Emerging Model course.
She received the Mathematical Association of America's Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics (2006) and Loyola Marymount University's President's Fritz B. Burns Distinguished Teaching Award (2005). In 2021, she was inducted into LMU's Faculty Hall of Fame. In addition to co-authoring several textbooks, she co-edited and contributed to a 2014 volume in the MAA Notes Series, Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics, and co-authored The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Guide for Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians published in 2018 by Oxford University Press. She has published articles in The Arithmetic Teacher, College Mathematics Journal, Collegiate Microcomputer, Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, Mathematics and Computer Education, National Teaching and Learning Forum, PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, and several additional journals that focus on scholarship of teaching and learning and faculty development.